Industrial Accidents - Medical Negligence Claims

Industrial Accidents Claims

Industrial accidents can cause serious, career-affecting or ending injuries. Industrial occupations can involve the use of heavy machinery as well as dangerous chemicals. These roles are therefore usually conducted in high-risk working environments. Mistakes can happen or there may be a case where an employer is negligent and fails in their duty of care for employees causing an industrial injury. Our expert team of solicitors are here to support you and help you make a claim for compensation if you are subjected to negligence whilst at work and suffer an accident.

If you have suffered an injury or illness due to an industrial accident, you may be eligible to put in for a compensation claim. Seek expert advice from reputable expert personal injury solicitors Thompson & Co today. We are able to support you during this understandably difficult time. 

Get in touch today via an online contact form to provide the best time to contact you as well as the means of communication that you would prefer. You can also call us directly to discuss starting a claim.

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The Risks Associated With Industrial Occupations

Industrial work premises are often classified as high-risk environments. The use of heavy machinery and the use or transport of industrial chemicals or substances result in a number of risks for those working in industrial jobs. Employers have a duty of care to ensure that working practices are as safe as possible for industrial workers. If they breach this duty of care and you are injured in an accident then you may be entitled to compensation. While, mistakes and accidents do occur, when you suffer injury due to someone’s negligence you are entitled to recover compensation to put you back in the position you were in before the accident as far as possible.

The Process of Making an Industrial Accident Claim

You have up to 3 years from when the accident or injury occured to make a claim so we advise that you get in touch as soon as possible if you are considering making a claim. To start the process, you can speak to our team using your preferred method of communication. We are happy to discuss matters with you in person, over the telephone or by online video calls such as Zoom, Facetime or Teams. One of our Senior Solicitors will be responsible for your case and will support you during the entire process. We will usually deal with your claim on a no-win-no-fee basis.

Making a Compensation Claim With Thompson & Co

We will usually deal with your claim on a No-Win-No-Fee basis unless we identify a more suitable method of funding your claim that you wish to use. You will not have to enter into any credit agreements.

If your Claim is Unsuccessful

  •     you will not have to pay our costs
  •     We will usually arrange an insurance policy so that you do not have to pay any disbursements (medical report fees, court fees etc) incurred on your behalf. You will not have to pay for the insurance policy if you are unsuccessful.

You will therefore not have to pay anything if you lose your claim.

If your claim is Successful you will usually be able to recover part or all of our costs and disbursements from your opponent.

You will pay out of your compensation

  •     any shortfall in costs that we are unable to recover from your opponent
  •     and disbursements that we are unable to recover from your opponent
  •     Our success fee
  •     The premium for the insurance

we will however cap the amount you have to pay out of your compensation at a maximum of 25% of the compensation recovered. You will therefore receive a minimum of 75% of any compensation recovered in your claim.

We charge a success fee to reflect the risk we take when we make our fees conditional upon the success of your claim. The success fee we charge allows us to indicate to clients that we will not charge them for our work if they are unsuccessful with their claim.

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Keep a record of any financial losses you have suffered as a result of medical negligence. This will include for example any wage slips or P60s. You should also keep any receipts for other losses which may include

  •     The cost of medical treatment or medication
  •     Damage to clothing
  •     Loss of earnings
  •     Travel expenses to and from your GP or Hospital for treatment
  •     Care and assistance someone has had to give you because of your injuries

 We can discuss your with you in person or by phone, email or by video call online such as Zoom, Facetime or Teams. Get in touch today

One of our Senior Solicitors will be responsible for your case giving you the opportunity to ask questions and ensure you are fully at ease with the options and progress of your claim. You remain in control of your claim.

Enquire today using an online contact form on our website or by calling a member of our team now.

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