Pleural Effusion Compensation Claims - Asbestos Solicitors

Pleural Effusion Claims

We can help you pursue Pleural Effusion Claims and recover compensation.

Pleural Effusion is fluid that accumulates in the pleural space. You may also hear this described as a “benign pleural effusion” if the accumulations of fluid are non malignant. It may lead to, or predispose you to diffuse bilateral pleural thickening.

When microscopic asbestos fibres are breathed in they become lodged in the lungs. The bodies reaction to the lodged fibres can cause “mesothelial cells” to become abnormal and produce large amounts of fluid. It is this overproduction of fluid by the mesothelial cells that causes the pleural effusion.


Some pleural effusions cause chest pains, but many do not cause any symptoms.

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Pleural effusion can be diagnosed using chest x-rays and CT scans. It can be treated and you may make a complete recovery.

Excess fluid can be removed from the pleural space by draining it. An operation known as a “pleurodesis” can be carried out where a talc-like substance is inserted into the pleural space to prevent fluid building up again.

Pleural effusion can be caused by a variety of factors including infections, persistent inflammation or by cancers.

It can also be evidence of exposure to asbestos and it may lead to the development of a more serious asbestos related illness such as pleural thickening, asbestosis, mesothelioma or asbestos-related lung cancer.

Pleural Effusion – State Benefits/Compensation

The Department for Work and Pensions (“DWP”) will not pay benefits for Pleural Effusions but compensation can be claimed from your former employers or other body that exposed you to asbestos.

What if the Company that exposed me to Asbestos No Longer Exists?

It may still be possible to pursue compensation if we can trace the insurers of the company. We have built up a database of insurers over many years of dealing with this type of claim.
