Pleural Plaque Compensation Claim
Can I make a Pleural Plaque Compensation Claim Claim?
Unfortunately it is not usually possible to pursue a Pleural Plaque Compensation Claim and recover compensation.
The “pleural cavity” is a closed space within the chest walls that houses the lungs. The “pleura” is a thin, transparent membrane that covers the lungs and lines the inside of the chest walls. There are two layers of this membrane. The inner layer of the pleura is attached to the lungs and the outer (parietal) layer is attached to the chest wall.
A small amount of fluid usually fills the gap between the layers of pleura. This fluid is produced by cells in the pleura called “mesothelial cells”. The pleural membranes prevent the lung from making direct contact with the chest wall and the diaphragm.
What Are Pleural Plaques?
Pleural Plaques are the least serious form of asbestos-related disease
Pleural plaques are areas of thickening or scarring which occur on the parietal pleura, most commonly on the lower chest walls and diaphragm. They take the form of small, hard, plate-like raised surfaces of calcified tissue, similar to arteriosclerosis in coronary arteries. These changes are visible on x-ray and can cause impairment of the lung. However in most cases will not produce any symptoms, so you may be unaware that you have them.
Plaques are simply a marker of asbestos exposure and usually do not develop until 20 years or more after first exposure to asbestos. Pleural plaques alone are not prejudicial to health. However, because they are evidence of asbestos exposure, they can indicate that the sufferer is at a small risk of developing a more serious asbestos-related condition such as pleural thickening, asbestosis, mesothelioma or asbestos-related lung cancer.